We seek better, forseen worse.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


I figure I might as well use this for what it's for. Updates in the form of truth.

I wanna yell at my Parents, but honestly, it's all good. I wanna talk about smoking. It's been bugging me since I last lit up. I don't think they'd have a problem if I did. Hell, they might even buy cigs for me if I'm lucky. I don't see any wrong in doing it. I know it harms me. So, if I know all this, why can't I? They smoek themselves anyway, not like it's anything new.

This morning was rough. I didn't wake up until 10 minutes before I had to leave. Managed to get everything done thankfully. Got to school with a headache. Slept away study hall and it felt better. Then English, Modern Era, and Geometry were all boring as usual. Ate lunch. Wrote that gothic lullaby as an impulse. It's pretty, I think. Then Science, Web I, and French II. A Dull day, as usual. However, it had its usual qwerks.

First off, I heard of a friend's never-ending crush on someone else and how it made him cry. As sincere as it is, I stll don't call it "in love". Argue if you will. Names are unnecessary. I might talk to him about it soon. I know what he thinks, and I don't wanan see him run blindly into the field. Also, I get sick of how annoying and stupid some of my friends are. Zak especially. That kid get's annoying as all hell sometimes. And I don't mean anything bad towards him, just that it gets annoying. Matt too. But he's usually playing it smooth when he can. Anyhow, in Science, We just goofed the entire period. Have a shitload of homework to do in SH tomorrow too. Fun.

Also, I started thinking myself on the issues of love. Love is simply a caring attitude towards someone. "In Love" is a rumor. Myth. False Identity. An Illusion. It only makes the relationship seem unbreakable, when really it's more fragile then you'd normally want to think about it. I still like her.. but that's a topic for a more closed entry. One only available to myself and the Gods above. Anyhow, she said she might be interested in Anime and Manga. This means I get to spread the gospel oncemore.

And to wrap up this giant essay type post, I had to defend my sexuality once more. Stupid preps are the queer ones. They don't fit in, so they act like rulers. I would have no problem storming the school armed with some friends and a bunch of shotguns. but that's illegal for a reason. I don't want to bring violence into it unless it's absolutely necessary.And currently, it isn't necessary. So there's my pacifist attitude coming out once more.

Anyhow, as for me, I'm out of here. Feel free to leave comments on the new design. It took me a whole 10 minutes.


At 10:00 PM, Blogger Kyle Montgomery said...

FPS's are good for that violence thing. I like the layout better now.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Mystic said...

Like your page. Colors definately arn't bad at all.
Oh, and ;) don't forget to smile, at least some. Good for the soul.


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