We seek better, forseen worse.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Rubick's Cube"

Have you ever wondered
deep into a endles puzzle
only to find
you were the one being nuzzled?

or did you ever run
and try to hide
only they knew where you were
but couldn't decide?

This force that drives us
call it hate
it doesn't matter for love though
only it controls your fate.

Study hall -_-

I'm about ready to explode. Firefox won't work. Fucktastic. I can't even get a remote loading of it. It just dies. Simple. I installed Slimbrowser (God Forbid) and it works. I might look into shadowing a mod of firefox to allow it to run without the PID Handle "firefox.exe" (which their firewall might be stopping).
Also, last night, I attempted to write code in vain. It wouldn't ever compile, and I've no idea why.As for a laugh today, I read an article claiming about how Microsoft's Marketing sucks uber-ass. Yep. Might be getting a pair of Kikwear pants soon if the auction stays cheap. Well, I'm outta hear. I'll write my daily/bidaily poem later on.
Ja Ne, Dewa Mata!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

[OLD] "Forever A Lone Rose"

take me away
from this life
or else I'll go
and find a knife

no, I wouldn't
they said I shouldn't
and they were there
by my side

too bad I cared
for trust in which I abide

these days are
and I know I
to see you go

and now I think
it's for the best
that now we see
we have been blessed.


The noise
simmers to the short silence it once took pride.
The scream
echoes across the halls of the Catacombs.

He waits.

The terror
rips across a poor man's soul.
The dream
is bleeding on the floors.


With effort
the echoes stop.
and so there waits my fate.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Bloody Home

With every last stride
every last quiet scream
something else is out there
something following me
it seems it will not flee
it is I who it deem
I am the target
of a thousand years pain
and yet with one good shrug
and a couple slits or cuts
it all dissappears
forming what I never believed
making me what I never saw
and as the blood forms a scab
I see it so clearly.
I am home,
and the ravens quietly caw.

"With the look of life"

Have you ever wondered
while looking in a mirror
to know what it was like
if you weren't here?

Staring slowly at you glimmering eyes,
you could question everything down to your thighs,
but yet you continue on,
acting like there's purpose beyond.

The star's reach is numerour and great,
yet we're contained to this pitiful earth,
so why is there so much hate?
It breeds what's left of the curse.

And beyond the eyes,
a glimmering strife,
you see it once,
it's the look. the look of life.

Ugh. NOthin New

I am so bored right now. I need to get a way to warm up my hands. Otherwise, my typing accuracy and speed sucks. It shows in HL2, since i got owned one too many times.
This is a test of my javascript coe I borrowed. Please ignore if you want.

EDIT: Javascript I borowd won't work. Proceeding to scour internet for differnt ideas.

Friday, January 28, 2005

This is a test. I am adapting my HTML + CSS skills (if you wanna call 'em that) to the Blogger platform. It's sorta hard, but not too bad.

!!!First Post!!!

Eh. I moved to Blogger because I figure that I'll be able to do so much more on this decent site (compared to Xanga and it's anti-hacktastic design)