We seek better, forseen worse.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


jsut had the most fucked up dream.
----------what I remember--------------
walking through some mall (lots of strobe lights and such everywhere).
walk by a section of it that's being remodeled
turn left at the end of the hallway.
Go into "Stugnams" store
walk around. Suddenly have friends with me (mmy best pal,some old monk, and some random chick supposed to ressemble osmeone else I know)
they buy paint supplies, I Just follow.
when we get to the cashier, the monk tells me that direction is not straightforward or mathmatical, but merely a pathway to an object of lust or want.
he asks me for the direction towhere we found a certain thing in our painting stuff. I point a direction, and say 30 meters, that way. I run over, and I'm right. But not to him.
Liz kicks me for being a dumbass.
I wonder off from the group and find the deli. Except it's nothing special. a fat guy standing thre, with a cleaver.
I mention the cleaver, and he wipes it off (perfectly, of course) and gives it to me.
I attach the cleaver to a stick, but it wont stay on, so I take the blade and fling it, killing the monk.
Luke magically appears, and I bitch about liz and the monk to him. (we're now in front of a barn on a dirt road)
Luke dissappears and I walk into the barn. alluva sudden I get "absorbed" through the wall into a pit. Some god-loving christ freak is there, and he tries to escape. Something named Jark kills him.
When I try to escape, jark's eyes appear n every hole, crak, and open spacei n the walls, floor, and cieling. I tel him to look the other way. he turns offf a few of his eyes. I run for it. I'm outside the barn by a dune buggy.
I drive the dune buggy to school.
I walk in with a shotgun.
The people all have guns too.
I shoot first.they all shoot at me and miss.
I then drive in some crappy car around in the parkinglot, sliding a lot because it's overed in ice.
I hit a few people, then shoot one.
The end.


pretty weird, huh?


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