We seek better, forseen worse.

Friday, January 13, 2006


I've gone for the past few days on 40mg Adderall.

I figure I should scribble some notes down before I loose track of my ideas.

First, the history and simple analysis of bodily effects from the active chemicals (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine). Euphoria was definitely there in the first trial, and some of the second. However, after about 4-5 abuses, the euphoria associated with it fades. This is my 7th or 8th time. I assume by now tolerance is taking affect, as sleeping and eating patterns have drastically changed. The hunger suppressant is more controlled, either by tolerance or my body only getting 200 calories per day.

Second, it has many uses for logic and memory problems. Artistic things, such as non-repetitive music or painting, do NOT do well. Mathematical things, like math or sciene, are greatly improved. Tests are good as well, because since it stimulates the nervous system, it tends to help revive dead memories. Ironically, unless you take an active interest in something, all minor details are completely forgotten from the long-term timeframe (of about a month, for me).

Thirdly, it affects organization and computer use. Organization is much more perfectionistic and handles well for a long time (my desk is still clean from my tweak'd cleanign skills two months ago). You are more prone to organize information, such as labeling or indexing page numbers. Computer use suffers the drastic use and drones for less difference in what is going on. Instad of jumping from game to web to different game to IM, I was definitely enjoy playing the same game for 6 hours straight.

Fourth, we have sleep problems. Insomnia is always there, regardless of dose. Small, minute amounts (5mg) could suffice a normal person for up to maybe six hours (I've yet to try this on a normal person.) Larger amounts without an previous tolerance can be considered a good nights sleep, allowing the night to be the same as day. After three days straight, I absolutely had to crash out and sleep more then three hours. It could possibly have been that my second 20mg that day was fucked up. I'm yet to know.

Next comes the issue of eating. Depriving myself of nutrients is surely not healthy, especially when mixed with drug abuse. The lack of hunger during my sustained eating times indicates that the agent remains acive in my body. I have managed to try and eat a meal, but if anything, it made me feel sick. Water is a good fluid to drink, since mixing caffeine on top of it wouldn't work well. Keepign the body hydrated is the least I could do. Also, keep tums, in case the stomach gets horribly upset, which happens rarely.

Other side effects are possible. Most are probably harmless compared to living, but some still could become problems. Heart rate is drastically increased. At rest, for a person who usually has 70 BPM, it will raise to 100-120 BPM (considered moderate exercise). Do not use if you have harsh problems with, well, anything. If you are a generally normal human-like living zombie, you'll do fine.

Physical symptoms of Amph/Dexamph abuse include pupil dilation (very evident), lack of hunger (semi-hidable), insomnia (if you're a freak enough to use amph, you probably already have insomnia), and a very high pulse. The skin may be colored red and warm to the touch (compared to the cold, pale skin I'm used to.)

All in all, I have to write another article/essay on the Epilogue. I have yet to see what happens after it is stopped and withdrawal begins. Assuming the common aftermath of depression and lethargy sets in, I'll be completely fucked. Four days is a long time.

And with this, I am done.

~Kev, your new PhrEaK.


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