We seek better, forseen worse.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I should've posted yesterday, but I didn't get the chance. I pretty much think the las two days were merely a bit of stress. yesterday, my mom tried to convert me str8 (something i would never do). This was after a good school day and a good cigarette (Marlboro, you rock!). Today, however, sorta just dragged. *shrugs* the only thing that ruins the day is science. I hate science. he teacher rocks, butthe students he has suck. oh well. I'm bored, so I'm giving the ending testimony from the song Anatomy Of Your Enemy by Anti-Flag.
Anti-Flag -- Anatomy Of Your Enemy (End testimony)
I will not die!
I will not kill!
I will not be your slave!
I will not fight your battles!
I will not fight on your battlefields!
I will not fight for your will!
I am not a fighter,
I am a human being!!

..:::Xanadu Out!:::..


At 8:34 PM, Blogger Kyle Montgomery said...

It's quiet around here.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger vexation said...

nuh uh!


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