We seek better, forseen worse.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Stage 2 psychosis check complete.
Stage 3 is pending until further notice. Please inform an administrator about this immediately, or else damage to the Nervous System may induce insanity and withdrawal symptoms.

^_^ misc thing. If you understood it, good. if not, oh well. Anyhow, I've my fair share of things to say. So let's start off first thing.
I hate Max.
*cough* aside from that, I don't have much else to say. I pay my respect to Pope John Paul the II, who passed away on this Gloomy Saturday, April the Second. God rest his soul.

Aside from those two things, I'm working on converting into a fuill-fledged vegan. Once there, I can finally rest assured that the animals are doing slightly better.

*shrugs* might as well begin stage 3 soon.


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