We seek better, forseen worse.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Yep. I'm now finally couragous enough to say it. I'm out. I'm gay. Proud. 'nuff said.
|| Insert Rainbow Here ||

Okies, my days havem't been tthe best. I finally found my cigarettes. A few friends might be able to get me hooked up on some good stuff. This fucking research paper has consumed my life for the past 3-4 days.

Anyhow, I just wish to say you need to save the animals.

And here's a disgusting fact that may help.
Aside from the fact that cows are killed cruelly, did ya know what else is in that meat?
First off, a burger from a fast food joint may have parts from up to 1000 different cows.
Also, fastfood burgers can average aroudn 10g-50g of fat. That's quite a bit for being just one buger. And the shakes... one of them goes up to 1110 Calories! That's half a day's worth.
As for killing McDonalds, go here to see how your heart is doing.

As for normal ground beef, realize this. 4 oz of it (roughly one decent burger) has 320 calories, and around 30g of fat. This is pretty bad, but also remember adding the normal bun, which adds around 200 calories. That's 520 calories. Not bad, but then add cheese, mustard, ketchup, and you have it up to around 600 calories. This is ok. But it's a small burger. The average american consumes about 1000-1200 calories from jsut one of their burgers due to the excess meat, chese, and fancy buns.

I'm done, and I need to go find more cigs. Out.


At 5:45 PM, Blogger Kyle Montgomery said...

But they taste good. I like cheeseburgers. Screw them facts.


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