We seek better, forseen worse.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

AmpEd. TweaKeD. PhReakED.

Ok, I'll make my short little story about the vision now.

Late evening / night, around 10 PM or so? on a saturday night. I'm walking through a grassy plain, going to get my usual smoke in, when alluva sudden I black out. I dunno if I fell or not, but I just saw black.

Then white. Oh, much white. But red mixed in. I saw more now...someone..like an older me..laying there. Blood is seeping from his throat and forehead. He has a knife in one hand (a large one, I dare add) and a handgun in the other. The person lays there, spilling blood onto a perfect white floor. Then, darkness again, followed by conciousness.
At the time of said dream, I was not high, drunk, wasted, etc. I was normal. No sleep deprivation, weird diet shit, etc.
It took a full pack of cigarettes to recover after that one..

But wait, it doesn't end just yet!
Monday morning, about 5:30 or so. When I touched the warm shower water, the images of the blood and such hit me again. I almost fell, but continued on with it.

Thus ends my hallucinative state. Medication next!
Drug tested: Adderall XL 20 mg (2x of such, 40mg total)
Active ingredient: Amphetamine (lower form of meth) and salts.

Result: I have to right a story for this result. It worked. Too well.

I took it around 7 that day, when someone gave it to me. About 8 or so, it kicked in. And I mean kicked in. My entire day went by fast. I seemed to enjoy the work, and I aced everyone in math class (it's like an overclock for the brain! omg!)

The effects of this drug continued all day and into the night. Cutoff (or at least noticable cutoff) time of the effects was around 1 AM or so. I never slept that night. I only ate a salad, an apple, and a little brownie thing. All day. That's 400-600 calories spanned over 24 hours total. It's insane.

Effects I felt:
--sense of well-being (like, a constant relaxation, yet a constant ecstacy)
--much greater sense of response, speed (definitely noticable)
--improvements in mental, physical, and social performance

Overall, it lasted around 18 or so hours. These effects were felt until morning. I did not sleep.

So, for that one, I had a hangover day today!
todays problems:
--lack of sleep
--no ability to concentrate
--stomach pains

but it was worth it. I came down around the evening.

So, now I know: either get some stomach medicine too or just take one.

As for the rest, I'm thinking of going on an anti-anxiety prescription. I'm sick of this. I can't make myself feel better. Nobody can.

Don't do drugs, do prescriptions!


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