We seek better, forseen worse.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Updated on a dull day, a day of rain and neigh.

Yeah. I might start using this thing as a witchcraft journal as well. I don't wanna buy a book. Anyhow, if I do, it'll have [P] in the update title. Time to start pointing out today...

I agreed to go out with Felicia. You know, she's one of those people you either grow to love or love to hate. I'll vote for the first, than have it vetoed by my friends. I really wish I could just go out to the garage and smoke. It's annoying to have to try and contain myself and whatnot. My teachers suck ass. I had to go around three times to get my report card. and even then I didn't get it! I'll do it tomorrow. my efforts are wasted on today. I might go find that tequila and dig it out, but then again I might not. Either way's good, and for now I'm gone.
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