We seek better, forseen worse.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pain...with salt?

Yeah, I got my braces today. They're sore, but it'll do. Salt water relieves it for a lil while. Also, I made some cool snazzy images. Check it! Eat that, carnivore people.
Oh, and Hamburgers are worse for you then cigarettes. so why are hamburgers our kids favorite food?

Monday, April 25, 2005

Pain...and Drugs

Ugh. I got my spacers in today. They hurt like hell. I'm gonna see if I can mellow out enough to avoid the pain. Also, so far I've taken 16 Ibuprofen (two 8tablet doses) and drank two glasses of wine, only to get no help. no support. *sigh* not to mention half my friends are crumbling. Make that all of them. Like myself.

If I don't come to school tomorrow, I overdosed somehow and passed out or died. Hopefully passed out.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Today has barely dragged on. Like soemthing else. My ankles are getting sore from this fucking medical tape. Stupid blood, having to leak everywhere.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

printf("This is not what it should be!")

only but two cigarettes today, with nothing extra. A shame. But it was good.
The day itself went well.
My point clear, and I'm out.

Monday, April 18, 2005


Today was good. I met up with someone I know, and I had an amazingly good day before hand. Time in school flew by, and when I got home, I ashed twice and buzzed once. good stuff. Then, chilled, did chores. Repeat. Ah, it's a good day to be alive. Now if only it would cool down in this fucking house. I hate the heating system here. so...hot....
Out X_X

Friday, April 15, 2005

call <%query%>:printtf %t "F^2"

Yeah.. I am so bored these days. But I guess it r moving along. I really screwed up when it came to work today. every one of my assigments was late/incomplete. *sigh* I might have a date with this one guy I know. I can't wait. I always knew about him, but never knew him. Oh, and for the rest of us, these are good enough to describe what I felt today and some of what I did which I will NOT discuss under any circumstance.

Notice: These Pictures are EXTREMELY graphic. except the first one. It's cool. The second one is a real-life photo, and the third a drawing. Thank you. And god forbid.


Suicide at it's finest

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I should've posted yesterday, but I didn't get the chance. I pretty much think the las two days were merely a bit of stress. yesterday, my mom tried to convert me str8 (something i would never do). This was after a good school day and a good cigarette (Marlboro, you rock!). Today, however, sorta just dragged. *shrugs* the only thing that ruins the day is science. I hate science. he teacher rocks, butthe students he has suck. oh well. I'm bored, so I'm giving the ending testimony from the song Anatomy Of Your Enemy by Anti-Flag.
Anti-Flag -- Anatomy Of Your Enemy (End testimony)
I will not die!
I will not kill!
I will not be your slave!
I will not fight your battles!
I will not fight on your battlefields!
I will not fight for your will!
I am not a fighter,
I am a human being!!

..:::Xanadu Out!:::..

Monday, April 11, 2005


Coupled with Condemnations

Sunday, April 10, 2005

You can't run or even try to hide
it seems theyve got you
doesn't matter whether you try to abide
it only prolongs the few

no matter what you do
they are always watching you
no matter where to escape
you've been caught on tape

lifes meaningless
let it die off
one last kiss
and the bloody cough


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Fuck you.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

403 Forbidden

You do not have permission to access this sector of Kevin's mind. Please leave at once, for your IP is logged.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Return 0;

I am the forsaken.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Stage 2 psychosis check complete.
Stage 3 is pending until further notice. Please inform an administrator about this immediately, or else damage to the Nervous System may induce insanity and withdrawal symptoms.

^_^ misc thing. If you understood it, good. if not, oh well. Anyhow, I've my fair share of things to say. So let's start off first thing.
I hate Max.
*cough* aside from that, I don't have much else to say. I pay my respect to Pope John Paul the II, who passed away on this Gloomy Saturday, April the Second. God rest his soul.

Aside from those two things, I'm working on converting into a fuill-fledged vegan. Once there, I can finally rest assured that the animals are doing slightly better.

*shrugs* might as well begin stage 3 soon.